Right, that’s it, it’s official! I’m a visionary, I can predict the future, in all subjects of technical innovation and development, consumer and business IT trends I’m your man.
How do I know this?
Oh how they laughed, poured scorn on my suggestions that the greatest software behemoth world has ever known would ever die or even weaken or show signs of demise! I must have lost the plot they said, I didn’t know what I was talking about.
Undeterred, I continued my musings online, toward the end of 2011 I wrote “So long Microsoft, (I’ve bought my first Mac”.) That beautiful Mac is still sitting in front of me, loyal, reliable and dependable AND fast as ever never had a virus and starts up in 15 seconds. No, I’m not joking.
In 2012 I wrote “Is Windows 8 the answer?” this was in response to the release of Windows 7, continued promises (from Microsoft) of greater reliability, improved functionality and, given the criticism that Windows 8 had already received I actually wondered in the article with Windows 9 would be the answer? Now apparently we are told there will not be a Windows 9, we are going straight to 10, you’ve got to laugh.
Pressing on in 2014 I wrote “The end of XP as we know it” brimming with confidence by this time, I paraphrased Monty Python, or should that be Parrot phrased … “Bereft of life it crashes no more!”
Okay, so I’ve been predicting Microsoft’s demise for some time, but how .. NOW, do I know this is true? Two things, in the review I quoted 2012, I mentioned that the keyword being banded around in relation to Windows 7, was “irrelevant”.
I was shocked that a new Microsoft products could ever be described as irrelevant in terms of impact or market take-up. Now there is another word, but I never thought I’d read in the same sentence as Microsoft Window. That word is FREE.
Need I say more?