Job Cards
Video Overview
This short overview (3 min) takes you through the basic functions and the amazing Job Sheet interface
The Challenge
List based systems are all well and good. You can view jobs in progress, sort them, filter them but Job Cards are a unique concept. You can view the card but then you need to open to view more information, to attach materials, hours, notes provide feedback and, when the time is right, move the card or job as it progresses through, pending to work in progress to Invoice.
The Solution
To integrate a list-based system with a visual card like display that instantly allows you to identify the status and progress of any particular job or project. To allow each individual card to be opened and added to, commented upon, amended and moved from one progress “state” to another and back again if need be!
Materials & Labour
Price Materials from a selection of pricing databases or use your own. The system caters for trade prices, preferential discounts and markups. Enter Labour charges directly or from a database of rates.
Quickly produce pre formatted quotation documents with a minimum of input. Documents can be configured from your own templates. Email quotes directly to clients. Mobile and tablet friendly.
Manage job progress with innovative Job Card interface and automatically generate invoices. Can be fully integrated with existing accounts systems or export to spreadsheet.
Cloud based – Access from anywhere, office, site or home, Laptop, Tablet or PC. No expensive IT infrastructure required, all you need to access the application is a browser and an Internet connection
Call for Details
K8Online is entirely configurable, whether you’re looking for a CRM Opportunities Management system, a Quotations Invoices and Job Card System solution or all of the above, K8o can be configured to suit your needs.