So that’s it then, Windows XP is gone!. Not just resting as was the parrot of Monty Python fame, but rather extinct, defunct, kaput. “Bereft of life it lives no more” .. Sorry, Monty Python again.
Surely, only Microsoft could make (and cause) such a fuss about the discontinuation of support from product that has in fact already been superseded by Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, but perhaps that’s the problem. It would appear that Microsoft hasn’t “got it right” since XP. In fact, apparently statistics from March 2014 show that XP is still the world’s second most popular operating system (behind Windows 7).
Why have users stayed so loyal to XP. I think the answer is simple, they couldn’t face the pain of upgrading, but now Microsoft, by withdrawing support and security upgrades have forced their users hand the question is which way will they go?
Microsoft’s concern is that obviously they might go elsewhere–and who would blame them!
- Mac OSX (works right out of the box, trendy, neat, easy and comparatively NO viruses) is seen as an expensive option.
- The Cloud – (Also – works I have the box, trendy, neat, easy and comparatively NO viruses) is seen as a bit risky on the grounds of what if you lose your Internet connection, and you really trust of the people with your data?
Either way, users are being forced to choose and the choices they make, may not go Microsoft’s way.
We have written a great deal on the subjects–see links below, but we have a sneaking suspicion that this may simply accelerate Microsoft’s demise, much like Monty Python’s famous parrot… “Bereft of life it crashes no more!”
Click to read our Earlier Articles on the subject of Microsoft
Security is not a Dirty Word
Is Microsoft Already Dead?
So long Microsoft
Is Windows 8 the answer
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