Sometimes businesses don’t feel the pain
Sometimes businesses don’t feel the pain. When you provide a product or service to a business, often you’re fulfilling a need, providing a service or filling a gap. Generally providing something useful that improves that business in someway. But also...
If you live near an old person, don’t go in and check on them, they’ll only tell you about how hot it was in 1976
Well, I am an old person and yes it was hot in 1976, no hotter than now, but as I remember it did go on for a very very very long time. Let’s hope this heatwave continues because I for one am enjoying it. How times have changed, back in 1976 we didn’t have...Chrome and Adobe Flash Problems
Update September 2018 The site needs Flash to work If a website isn’t working, you might need to change your settings to allow Flash. To the left of the web address, click Lock or Info . At the bottom, click Site Settings. In the new tab, to the...
What is Blockchain?
You may have heard about blockchain, quite possibly, like me you first heard of it in relation to something called crypto currency or bitcoin. Bitcoins are apparently a bit like pound coins except they don’t go out of date, don’t really exist, but...